Ciao, I’m Yanet

Your provider of Italy’s genuine food and wines!


Italy, its history and traditions have always been part of my life. To pursue my studies I moved to the beautiful city of Perugia, where I had the opportunity to earn a degree in Agricultural Engineering. In those days, inspired by the surroundings I discovered a land of passion and delicious food. I started travelling and closely examining the farming traditions of Italian food and wine artisans as wells as enjoying Italy’s most genuine food and wines! It was during my trips back to my family in Luxembourg and Belgium, that I realised that what the rest of the world thought was “Italian” wasn’t even close to the real flavours I experienced in Italy!

I founded SensoDivino to help other people discover Italy’s authentic food and wines, their flavours, their history

What I would like to share with you?


  • My travels throughout Italy to collect healthy foods and my favourite wines.
  • The unique benefits of the Mediterranean diet and how to enjoy food & wine the Italian way.
  • My best pairings of tastes that bring out the best in each other, just like a perfect marriage.

My passions?


  • Watch the expressions of people tasting SensoDivino food and wine pairings for the first time; how they pause and slow down, as the delicate flavours begin to dance on their tongues.
  • Discuss with the artisans how innovation can be combined to tradition to ensure safer and tastier food.
  • Enjoy Italy’s beautiful landscapes, with a glass of wine!

This is what inspires me to keep searching for the most genuine flavours of Italy

While travelling extensively throughout Italy’s most bountiful agricultural regions collecting my favourite foods and wines, I met many extraordinary people – artisans who have dedicated their whole life to the pursuit of excellence in their products; people with beautiful stories, living in contact with nature in amazing places in Italy!
They showed me that even despite our high-paced lives, there are places where the rhythm slows down, where patience, passion, and respect for nature yield virtual masterpieces.  

They made me realise that time is the ultimate luxury!

Our Artisans


  I was overwhelmed with gratitude when Giovanni, with his brother’s and sister’s blessing, entrusted me with their family secret for creating delicious Parmesan. He told me : « We try to give our cows the best life possible; if treated well, they pay us back by producing delicious milk »
  From the tree to the bottle, the quality is female. My personal adventure was inspired by the motto of Marina Colonna managing all the aspects of her estate in Molise, an ancient land where even the air carries the scent of bygone times and from which Marina produces an extra virgin olive oil of the highest quality.
  One afternoon in August, in a hot attic near Modena (Italy), Giuseppe Fiorini helped me discover a world where passion and traditions have remained unchanged for more than a century and where men still work to the rhythm of nature to produce grapes to transform into the traditional balsamic vinegar of Modena.
  I was fascinated by Alfonso’s passion for single-flower honey and nomadic approach to beekeeping which inspired him to dedicate his life to chasing seasons and blooms with his hives through the valleys of the enchanting Majella National Parc in Abruzzo.
  Osvaldo expertly observed the sky, waiting for rain to scour the lands which yield the best truffles. I listened as he recalled his childhood trips to fields and woods with his grandfather and father. He remembered visiting proud farmers to buy their exquisite truffles and provide them with a vital economic lifeline.
  It was soothing to watch Isidoro and his son Giovanni vinifing the grapes that have been historically grown on these hills of Parma such as Malvasia Candia Aromatica. Giovanni left his job as an engineer to work side by side with his father handcrafting for the joy of producing excellent Italian wines. The Torrechiara castle, built in the 1300s, dominates the landscape of gently rolling hills with endless rows of vineyards radiating down from it.
  It was August, and I was on my way to Verona to listen to the opera in the Arena when I stopped by the renowned Brunelli Estate. I was impressed by the cellar where the Amarone ages and the many awards hanging on the walls. But what struck me most was the pride in which Alberto explained the intricate process of preparing for the first grapes of the harvest. They were anticipating the culmination of an entire year’s worth of work, and not even a small detail could go wrong! That’s more than just dedication; that is what I call amore.
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